A torch is a torch is a torch …

But is it?

Our Trophy Torches and Trophy Glow Torches are designed to fit on a standard Tiki torch, the kind you see at every big box store and every backyard BBQ. And those look pretty good on their own, but for an indoor artwork, it might be worth it to spice your torches up a little. Here are some quick, low-cost ideas for making your torch worthy of your new skull.

Paint and Stain

The easiest way to customize a torch is with a little paint or wood stain. The bamboo basket takes stain really well, so if you’ve got a dark wood theme going on, it’s as easy as sponging on some leftover stain. The bamboo stalk itself doesn’t take stain nearly as well, but it’s easy to paint. I like to put some stripes on the pole, but whatever works for your theme and aesthetic is going to be great. Have fun with it!

Raffia and Rope

The traditional materials in tiki decorating work just as well on your torch. Find some colored or plain raffia and start weaving or tying until you like the look. Plain twine, hemp string, or rope works to gather a bundle and give it some shape, or just let it fly like a jungle bird. Your Trophy Torch comes with a 15 foot hemp cord, and often it’s plenty to wrap up along the pole and give it some charm all on it’s own.

Shells, feathers, and other charms

I’m personally a sucker for feathers — a few dollars worth of feathers really make a difference and give a torch some real personality. Tie or glue them to the torch, or do like I did and create some feathery twine that can be draped or stuck into cracks or crevices.

The most important thing is to have fun! Use what you’ve got on hand — be creative and try interesting combinations.


Year of the rabbit


Shackleton, optimism, and finally getting underway